Shattered Elbow II

Here is a clearer view of the contraption introduced in Shattered Elbow.

Ice Memory

I recently read an interested article titled “Ice Memory” in The New Yorker by Elizabeth Kolbert. The article was published in early 2002 and is set in North-central Greenland where, in the summers of 1996 through 2003, scientists drilled an ice core from the top of a glacier down to bedrock at 3085 meters. The ice core encases a climate record back to around 123000 years before present.

Geneagrapher 0.2-r1 Released

Python 2.6 was released less than a week ago. This Geneagrapher release slightly changes an installation-related file to enable installation on machines running Python 2.6 that have not yet installed Python setuptools.

Geneagrapher 0.2 Usage Guide

The purpose of this post is to explain how to use version 0.2 of the Mathematics Genealogy Grapher (Geneagrapher). For more information about the release of version 0.2 see the release announcement. For more information about the Geneagrapher in general, see the Mathematics Genealogy Grapher Page.

Geneagrapher 0.2 Released

I am pleased to announce the first release of the Mathematics Genealogy Grapher (Geneagrapher) package. The Geneagrapher has been around for a couple years, but it was previously only a web-based tool. At this time the original version is still available on my old site. This package is written in Python, so users will need to have Python installed.


The light rain today brought a nice rainbow for a few minutes.

Tom Turkey

Here is a picture of the tom turkey that stops by my parents’ house a few times each day. I took this when I was visiting during the Labor Day Weekend.

Shattered Elbow

A friend of mine had an accident while riding her bike at high speeds, resulting in an elbow shattered into six pieces. Some of the pieces were too far apart for there to be any hope of the bone healing properly, so she needed surgery to piece it all together.

Geneagrapher Development

Earlier this year I spent some time cleaning up (and rewriting portions) of the geneagrapher tool. I intend to release the source as soon as I get it packaged, but want to take this opportunity to list some of the properties and features of the upcoming release.

Avian Discoveries II

This is another post about another mid-June bird encounter. One possible route to work takes me, for a short distance, through a field covered by prairie grass near my apartment complex. I often heard the chirping of a number of juvenile birds while walking through the field. Eventually, I had the opportunity to see the birds in a large tree.